Mostrar reportagens, imagens, filmes realizados por entidades dedicadas à PcD na prática do PARADESPORTO. Motivar, estimular a inclusão da PcD na sociedade pelo esporte. Induzir ações políticas e sociais a favor da Pessoa com Deficiêncioa(s). Competições para PcD, coragem, determinação, ousadia, persistência, superação, sabedoria, paraolimpíadas, inteligência, inclusão, Direitos Humanos, ODS, saber viver, exemplos de vida especiais,
terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2016
Vietnam: Long Time Coming Film Details World T.E.A.M. Sports 1998 Inclusive Bicycle Ride
Citation: World T.E.A.M. Sports. (2016-05-25). Vietnam: Long Time Coming Film Details World T.E.A.M. Sports 1998 Inclusive Bicycle Ride. Retrieved 2016-05-31, from
Direct Link: Vietnam: Long Time Coming Film Details World T.E.A.M. Sports 1998 Inclusive Bicycle Ride - World T.E.A.M. Sports
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segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016
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sábado, 28 de maio de 2016
Conselho vai gerir o Centro Paralímpico Brasileiro
Conselho vai gerir o Centro Paralímpico Brasileiro
Conselho gestor será formado por representantes dos governos federal e paulista e do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro.
por Portal BrasilPublicado: 01/09/2015 12h07Última modificação: 01/09/2015 12h07

Centro de Treinamento Paralímpico, em São Paulo. Estrutura terá espaço para 15 modalidades paralímpicas e alojamento para 280 atletas
Localizado em São Paulo (SP), o centro Paralímpico está em fase final de construção. Em reunião entre o ministro do Esporte, George Hilton, e o governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, na segunda-feira (31), foi debatido o modelo de gestão do espaço que abrigará as seleções brasileiras de 15 modalidades paralímpicas.
"Nós estamos definindo o plano de legado destes grandes equipamentos que serão entregues em todo o País, ou seja, como se dará a gestão deles e, especificamente, aqui em São Paulo, o Centro Paralímpico que será concluído nos próximos meses. Estamos finalizando com o governador o modelo de gestão, para que tenhamos mais que uma grande entrega, mas continuidade no uso deste equipamento", afirmou Hilton após o encontro.
O Centro de Treinamento Paralímpico, em São Paulo, superou os 97,05% de conclusão. O local terá capacidade para receber até 282 atletas simultaneamente e estrutura para treinamentos e competições de 15 modalidades: atletismo, basquete em cadeira de rodas, bocha, natação, esgrima em cadeira de rodas, futebol de 5, futebol de 7, goalball, halterofilismo, judô, rúgbi em cadeira de rodas, tênis de mesa, tênis em cadeira de rodas, triatlo e vôlei sentado.
O CT é um dos principais legados esportivos dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Rio 2016 e será o principal centro de excelência da América Latina. Parte fundamental da Rede Nacional de Treinamento que está sendo configurada pelo Ministério do Esporte, o Centro de Treinamento Paralímpico será a quarta instalação no mundo capaz de receber mais de 11 modalidades no mesmo lugar.
Todo o conteúdo deste site está publicado sob a licença Creative CommonsCC BY ND 3.0 Brasil 

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Jogos surdos nas Paralimpíadas poderiam atrair investimentos
Publicado em 31 de mar de 2016
É o que avalia a surdo-atleta de vôlei, Daniela Guidugli. Ela considera que ao incluir os jogos surdos nas Paralimpíadas, os surdo-atletas ganhariam mais visibilidade e patrocínios.
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Paralympic Sports A-Z: Athletics
Publicado em 19 de mai de 2016
Athletics was one of the original Paralympic sports, having been part of the Games since 1960, and has grown to become the most popular sport attracting the largest crowds. The sport offers a range of competitions and events, and is open to male and female athletes in all impairment groups.
It is governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and co-ordinated by the IPC Athletics Sports Technical Committee.
Disciplines and events
The events on the Paralympic programme include:
Track events: sprint (100m, 200m, 400m); middle distance (800m, 1,500m); long distance (5,000m, 10,000m) and relay races (4x100m, 4x400m)
In the relay events, each competitor completes an equal a portion of the total distance. Each athlete passes a baton to the next, except in wheelchair events, where touching the teammate's body with the hand is enough.
Road event: marathon
Field events: high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus, shot put, javelin, club throw
Depending on the class, athletes competing in the throwing events may throw from a standing position or seated, except for club throw, where athletes compete seated in wheelchairs or on platforms.
The aim in each event is simple — outperform your opponent.
There will be 177 total medal events in athletics at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.
Athletes compete according to their functional classification in each event. Some compete in wheelchairs and some with prostheses, while those who are visually impaired can receive guidance from a sighted guide.
Athletes who are eligible to compete in Para athletics are allocated to a sport class, with each class consisting of athletes who have impairments that cause approximately the same amount of activity limitation in the disciplines – running, wheelchair racing, jumps and throws.
Dedicated information on Para athletics classification will be published later on the IPC website in this Sport Week feature series.
In addition to the Paralympic Games, World, Asian and European Championships are held every two years. A series of Grand Prix events are also held to give athlete competition year around.
A complete list of Para athletics competitions can be found on the IPC Athletics website.
Sports equipment
Many athletics events require specific sports equipment for example, the discus, shot or javelin. In addition, athletes may use certain assistive devices as specified in the IPC Athletics rules.
Wheelchairs are considered to be sports equipment in track and field events. Athletics wheelchairs tend to be very lightweight. The dimensions and features of wheelchairs are clearly specified in the IPC Athletics rules.
Prosthetic devices may be used by amputees. These have been specifically developed to withstand the demands of sports competition. IPC rules require the use of leg prostheses in track events; however, the use of prostheses in field events is optional.
Rope tethers or other devices may be used by runners with a visual impairment to link with their sighted guides. Acoustic devices (or a sighted "caller") may be used to indicate take-off in jumping events, throwing target areas, etc.
It is governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and co-ordinated by the IPC Athletics Sports Technical Committee.
Disciplines and events
The events on the Paralympic programme include:
Track events: sprint (100m, 200m, 400m); middle distance (800m, 1,500m); long distance (5,000m, 10,000m) and relay races (4x100m, 4x400m)
In the relay events, each competitor completes an equal a portion of the total distance. Each athlete passes a baton to the next, except in wheelchair events, where touching the teammate's body with the hand is enough.
Road event: marathon
Field events: high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus, shot put, javelin, club throw
Depending on the class, athletes competing in the throwing events may throw from a standing position or seated, except for club throw, where athletes compete seated in wheelchairs or on platforms.
The aim in each event is simple — outperform your opponent.
There will be 177 total medal events in athletics at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.
Athletes compete according to their functional classification in each event. Some compete in wheelchairs and some with prostheses, while those who are visually impaired can receive guidance from a sighted guide.
Athletes who are eligible to compete in Para athletics are allocated to a sport class, with each class consisting of athletes who have impairments that cause approximately the same amount of activity limitation in the disciplines – running, wheelchair racing, jumps and throws.
Dedicated information on Para athletics classification will be published later on the IPC website in this Sport Week feature series.
In addition to the Paralympic Games, World, Asian and European Championships are held every two years. A series of Grand Prix events are also held to give athlete competition year around.
A complete list of Para athletics competitions can be found on the IPC Athletics website.
Sports equipment
Many athletics events require specific sports equipment for example, the discus, shot or javelin. In addition, athletes may use certain assistive devices as specified in the IPC Athletics rules.
Wheelchairs are considered to be sports equipment in track and field events. Athletics wheelchairs tend to be very lightweight. The dimensions and features of wheelchairs are clearly specified in the IPC Athletics rules.
Prosthetic devices may be used by amputees. These have been specifically developed to withstand the demands of sports competition. IPC rules require the use of leg prostheses in track events; however, the use of prostheses in field events is optional.
Rope tethers or other devices may be used by runners with a visual impairment to link with their sighted guides. Acoustic devices (or a sighted "caller") may be used to indicate take-off in jumping events, throwing target areas, etc.
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Women's 100m Breaststroke SB5 | Heat 1 | 2016 IPC Swimming European Open...
Publicado em 4 de mai de 2016
"Gold: SAVTSOVA Viktoriia Ukraine
Silver: MERESHKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine
Bronze: ILLES Fanni Hungary
Start list:
WEBER-TREIBER Sabine Austria
TRINH Thi Bich Nhu Vietnam
ILLES Fanni Hungary
SAVTSOVA Viktoriia Ukraine
MERESHKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine
SCHOTT Verena Germany
BJORNSDOTTIR Thelma Bjorg Iceland
RACZKO Gitta Hungary
ROMANO Emanuela Italy
Funchal, Portugal, will host the IPC Swimming European Open Championships between 30 April - 7 May 2016.
453 athletes from 52 countries will compete in the 2016 IPC Swimming European Open Championships, the fourth edition of the competition.
For more information on the IPC Swimming European Open Championships in Funchal, please visit:
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Silver: MERESHKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine
Bronze: ILLES Fanni Hungary
Start list:
WEBER-TREIBER Sabine Austria
TRINH Thi Bich Nhu Vietnam
ILLES Fanni Hungary
SAVTSOVA Viktoriia Ukraine
MERESHKO Yelyzaveta Ukraine
SCHOTT Verena Germany
BJORNSDOTTIR Thelma Bjorg Iceland
RACZKO Gitta Hungary
ROMANO Emanuela Italy
Funchal, Portugal, will host the IPC Swimming European Open Championships between 30 April - 7 May 2016.
453 athletes from 52 countries will compete in the 2016 IPC Swimming European Open Championships, the fourth edition of the competition.
For more information on the IPC Swimming European Open Championships in Funchal, please visit:
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Brasil garante mais três atletas nas Paraolimpíadas 2016 | UIPI – Notícias, entretenimento,cinema, esporte e vídeos
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Divulgadas as moedas comemorativas das Olimpíadas e Paralimpíadas de 2016 -
Publicado em 31 de jan de 2014
Ao todo, são 36 tipos de moedas e trazem ilustrações de esportes olímpicos e paralímpicos
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Cancion Oficial De Los Juegos Olimpicos Rio 2016
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Adaptação Paraolimpiadas 2016
Publicado em 24 de mai de 2016
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sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2016
Parque Olímpico da Barra
Publicado em 13 de mai de 2016
Coração dos Jogos,o Parque Olímpico vai sediar 16 modalidades olímpicas e 9 paralímpicas e, após os Jogos irá
deixar importante benefícios.
Palco principal das competições durante os Jogos Rio 2016 – serão 16 olímpicas e nove paralímpicas -,
o Parque Olímpico será destinado à população depois do evento. Seu boulevard e área de lazer serão abertos
ao público, enquanto a Arena do Futuro, onde serão disputadas as competições de handebol e golbol,
será totalmente desmontada e transformada em quatro escolas municipais em diferentes localidades.
Já o Estádio Aquático se transformará em dois ginásios, que serão instalados em áreas onde hoje não
há opção para práticas de esporte. Outras instalações, como o HSBC Arena, serão destinadas ao treinamento
de atletas de ponta, garantindo também o futuro do esporte nacional.
As modalidades olímpicas a serem disputadas em 2016 serão Basquete, Judô, Taekwondo, Luta-livre,
Luta Greco-Romana, Handebol, Tênis, Ciclismo (pista), Polo Aquático, Natação, Nado Sincronizado,
Ginástica Artística, Ginástica Rítmica, Ginástica de Trampolim, Esgrima e Saltos Ornamentais. Durantes
as paraolimpíadas, o Parque Olímpico sediará as competições de Basquete em Cadeira de Rodas, Rúgbi em
Cadeira de Rodas, Judô, Bocha, Futebol de 5, Golbol, Tênis em Cadeira de Rodas, Ciclismo e Natação.
deixar importante benefícios.
Palco principal das competições durante os Jogos Rio 2016 – serão 16 olímpicas e nove paralímpicas -,
o Parque Olímpico será destinado à população depois do evento. Seu boulevard e área de lazer serão abertos
ao público, enquanto a Arena do Futuro, onde serão disputadas as competições de handebol e golbol,
será totalmente desmontada e transformada em quatro escolas municipais em diferentes localidades.
Já o Estádio Aquático se transformará em dois ginásios, que serão instalados em áreas onde hoje não
há opção para práticas de esporte. Outras instalações, como o HSBC Arena, serão destinadas ao treinamento
de atletas de ponta, garantindo também o futuro do esporte nacional.
As modalidades olímpicas a serem disputadas em 2016 serão Basquete, Judô, Taekwondo, Luta-livre,
Luta Greco-Romana, Handebol, Tênis, Ciclismo (pista), Polo Aquático, Natação, Nado Sincronizado,
Ginástica Artística, Ginástica Rítmica, Ginástica de Trampolim, Esgrima e Saltos Ornamentais. Durantes
as paraolimpíadas, o Parque Olímpico sediará as competições de Basquete em Cadeira de Rodas, Rúgbi em
Cadeira de Rodas, Judô, Bocha, Futebol de 5, Golbol, Tênis em Cadeira de Rodas, Ciclismo e Natação.
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terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016
Philipp Buhl testet im Audi-Windkanal für Rio 2016
Publicado em 24 de mai de 2016
Segel-Olympiahoffnung Philipp Buhl aus dem Audi Sailing Team Germany peilt bei den Sommerspielen in Rio eine Medaille in der Laser-Klasse an. Damit der Traum vom Edelmetall bei seiner ersten Olympia-Teilnahme wahr wird, testete der 26-Jährige im Windkanal von Partner Audi.
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The future of the Paralympic Movement
Publicado em 4 de out de 2014
More than 260 people from around the Paralympic Movement amet in Berlin, Germany, 3-5 October 2014 for the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Membership Gathering. The purpose of the three-day event is to celebrate the IPC’s 25th anniversary, which will be marked with a special Gala Dinner on Saturday (4 October), and discuss the future strategic direction of the Paralympic Movement. IPC President Sir Philip Craven opened proceedings with a speech that covered the past, present and future of the Paralympic Movement’s international governing body which was formed on 22 September 1989. “Whilst it’s important we reflect on what we have achieved together over the last 25 years, it is crucial that we listen, debate, discuss and shape where we go from here,” said Sir Philip, who was re-elected for his fourth and final time as IPC President last November. “Together we have achieved a lot in a short space of time, but we cannot afford to be complacent and dwell on our successes so far. “The sporting world is evolving all the time and we need to be leading the way, working together to overcome the challenges we face and take advantage of the many opportunities that are out there.” Sir Philip spoke about the growth of the IPC, the Paralympic Games and the Paralympic Movement as a whole since 1989, and highlighted a number of the challenges the organisation has faced along the way. The British born President referred to the “quantum leap” in athletic performances of Paralympians in recent years and thanked everybody who has contributed to the IPC’s success to date. Sir Philip said: “Many things have changed over the last 25 years, but what has and always will make the Paralympic Movement so special is its people. “You are the Movement, the dedicated IPC member organisations with your expansive volunteer networks who are the reason why the IPC finds itself in the position it is in today. “So many people have contributed to the IPC’s success over the last 25 years, and every single contribution has made a sizeable difference. “You have helped transform the IPC from a disability sports organisation in to one of the most respected and fastest growing international sports governing bodies in the world.” Sir Philip also spoke at length about the IPC’s relationship with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since the first IOC-IPC Agreement signed in 2000. “Key to the growth of the Paralympic Games in the last 25 years has been our partnership with the IOC,” said Sir Philip. “The ‘One Bid, One City’ Agreement signed in 2001 has firmly established the Paralympics as part of a 60-day festival of sport alongside the Olympics. “Where we are now with the IOC is a long way away from late 2002 when, I had to go and see IOC President Jacques Rogge and ask for a loan of one million US dollars, just to keep the IPC functioning whilst also permitting some limited investment. “Today the IPC is financially stable, having generated record revenues in 2013, and is close to paying off the loan to the IOC,” he added. Sir Philip finished by outlining four key areas he believes are key to the Movement’s future growth. They are consolidating the growth of the Paralympic Games; increasing the number of people practicing para-sport at all levels around the world; improving the quality, quantity and profile of para-sports in between the Games and protecting the IPC’s identity. “We must never lose what makes the IPC and Paralympic Movement so special, sacrificing what has led to so many years of success,” said Sir Philip who challenged members to take the IPC vision “to enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world,” to the next level. “Over the next three days here in Berlin, in the many sessions you will be involved with, I want you to keep at the forefront of your mind how we can take this vision a step further and how we can all inspire and excite the entire world,” he said.
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Publicado em 11 de mai de 2016
Gabriel Neris tem 16 anos e desde pequeno corre os 100 metros rasos. Em 2015, na corrida mais importante da sua vida, algo inesperado aconteceu nos dez primeiros metros. Ele não se lembra dos outros noventa. Mas agora ele vai poder lembrar. Conheça e se inspire com a história de Gabriel, para quem nada é impossível. #chamaquetransforma
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Melhores momentos paraolimpíadas
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Meu mascote da Sorte miniaturas promoção Sadia Olimpíadas e Paraolimpíad...
Publicado em 18 de mai de 2016
Miniaturas dos Mascotes Sadia na modalidades Futebol, Judô, Boxe, Atletismo, Tênis, Ciclismo, Basquete e Natação. Promoção Meu Mascote da Sorte, a cada R$ 30,00 em compras de produtos Sadia você ganha de brinde uma miniatura e cadastrando seu cupom no site da promoção ainda concorre a ingressos com tudo pago para assistir a um jogos paraolímpico ou olímpico Rio 2016.
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domingo, 22 de maio de 2016
Trabalho AAA sobre Paraolimpiadas 2016 63
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Paraolimpíadas rio 2016
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Official logo 2016 Rio™ Paralympic Games [HD]
Publicado em 18 de ago de 2014
Official logo of the 2016 Rio™ Paralympic Games
Logomarca oficial dos Jogos Paraolímpicos Rio 2016™
Logotipo oficial de los Juegos Paralímpicos Río 2016™
Copyright © All rights reserved: IOC - Todos os direitos reservados / Todos los derechos reservados.
Logomarca oficial dos Jogos Paraolímpicos Rio 2016™
Logotipo oficial de los Juegos Paralímpicos Río 2016™
Copyright © All rights reserved: IOC - Todos os direitos reservados / Todos los derechos reservados.
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sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016
Publicado em 10 de fev de 2016
Conheça agora a campanha "O Brasil inteiro joga":
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Investimento brasileiro mira performance histórica nas Paraolimpíadas
Publicado em 28 de mar de 2016
Para atingir a meta de ficar entre os cinco melhores países do mundo na Paraolimpíada do Rio, em setembro, feito que vai exigir ao menos cerca de 30 medalhas de ouro, uma estratégia de valorização e treinamento de um “time de elite” foi montada pelo comitê brasileiro .
Desde 2010, um grupo de 40 potenciais medalhista é acompanhado e cercado de atenção que envolve deslocamento de suas cidades natal para grande centros, staff de profissionais de ponta para aumento do rendimento e de resultados, acesso a patrocinadores e gratificações que podem atingir R$ 40 mil.
A maior parte da nata paraolímpica está nas modalidades que mais rendem premiações, o atletismo e a natação. Mas há também representantes em outros esportes como a canoagem, o futebol de 5 (jogado por cegos), a bocha e o vôlei sentado.
---------------------------------------- -----------------------
Reportagem: Jairo Marques
Produção: Douglas Lambert
Fotografia: Felix Lima, Diego Arvate e Douglas Lambert
Edição: Diego Arvate
---------------------------------------- -----------------------
Assine nosso canal:
Desde 2010, um grupo de 40 potenciais medalhista é acompanhado e cercado de atenção que envolve deslocamento de suas cidades natal para grande centros, staff de profissionais de ponta para aumento do rendimento e de resultados, acesso a patrocinadores e gratificações que podem atingir R$ 40 mil.
A maior parte da nata paraolímpica está nas modalidades que mais rendem premiações, o atletismo e a natação. Mas há também representantes em outros esportes como a canoagem, o futebol de 5 (jogado por cegos), a bocha e o vôlei sentado.
Reportagem: Jairo Marques
Produção: Douglas Lambert
Fotografia: Felix Lima, Diego Arvate e Douglas Lambert
Edição: Diego Arvate
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BSL Newsround 31 - Paralympics and vox pop - 2012
Publicado em 17 de set de 2012
BSL Newsround 31 - Paralympics and Vox pop.
BSL Newsround - Paralympics
Vox pop - Robert Malone and Wayne Sharples - Paralympic Deaf Performers
Paralympics is on between Thursday 29th Aug and Sunday 9th September.
There will be BSL provision at the Main Screen - Live Site at Olympic Park between 12noon and 10pm.
The live site will be near the main stadium, close to the canal on the West park area. It can be found by looking on the large map when entering the Olympic park. A special area is reserved for people to view the BSL interpreters clearly. Between 12noon and 10pm there will be live sports, events, presenters on the stage and interviews with athletes and famous personalities.
There will be one interpreter for a period of five hours due to restricted budget and restricted number of staff on site. The interpreter will endeavour to do her/his best when interpreting - there will be regular breaks to ensure that high standard is maintained.
Don't forget to buy your tickets! No ticket = no entry.
For more info re tickets go to s/
Any questions, please contact us and we are happy to help!
This is very exciting time and we hope to see you there! ;-)
BSL Newsround - Paralympics
Vox pop - Robert Malone and Wayne Sharples - Paralympic Deaf Performers
Paralympics is on between Thursday 29th Aug and Sunday 9th September.
There will be BSL provision at the Main Screen - Live Site at Olympic Park between 12noon and 10pm.
The live site will be near the main stadium, close to the canal on the West park area. It can be found by looking on the large map when entering the Olympic park. A special area is reserved for people to view the BSL interpreters clearly. Between 12noon and 10pm there will be live sports, events, presenters on the stage and interviews with athletes and famous personalities.
There will be one interpreter for a period of five hours due to restricted budget and restricted number of staff on site. The interpreter will endeavour to do her/his best when interpreting - there will be regular breaks to ensure that high standard is maintained.
Don't forget to buy your tickets! No ticket = no entry.
For more info re tickets go to
Any questions, please contact us and we are happy to help!
This is very exciting time and we hope to see you there! ;-)
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6th European Deaf Wrestling Championship-FS Award Ceremony -97 kg
Publicado em 18 de out de 2015
6th European Deaf Wrestling Championship-FS Award Ceremony -97 kg Tbilisi Georgia
1. Ilhan Citak (TUR)
2. Viacheslav Dzebisov (RUS)
3. Angel Tsenov (BUL)
3. Viktar Shcharbakov (BLR)
Giorgi Chakvetadze President of Georgian Paralympic commette
საქართველოს პარაოლიმპიური კომიტეტის პრეზიდენტი გიორგი ჩაკვეტაძე აჯილდოვებს სმენადაქვეითებულთა ევროპის ჩემპიონატის 97 კგ-ის გამარჯვებულებს თავისუფალ ჭიდაობაში
Anthem of Turkey
1. Ilhan Citak (TUR)
2. Viacheslav Dzebisov (RUS)
3. Angel Tsenov (BUL)
3. Viktar Shcharbakov (BLR)
Giorgi Chakvetadze President of Georgian Paralympic commette
საქართველოს პარაოლიმპიური კომიტეტის პრეზიდენტი გიორგი ჩაკვეტაძე აჯილდოვებს სმენადაქვეითებულთა ევროპის ჩემპიონატის 97 კგ-ის გამარჯვებულებს თავისუფალ ჭიდაობაში
Anthem of Turkey
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The Disabled Champion - Latest 2016 Nigerian Full Movie | African Movies
Publicado em 7 de abr de 2016
This Nigerian latest 2016 Full Movie :She was not born this way, it happened was was physically but not mentally disabled yet she merged out as the best intellectual young student in the whole Nigeria
Nigerian Movies Starring: Ngozi Ezeonu, Shegu Arinze , Joke Silvia
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Nigerian Movies Starring: Ngozi Ezeonu, Shegu Arinze , Joke Silvia
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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